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Modernize your rescue plans

Join the 20,000+ customers that have found an easier way to execute, update and share their rescue plans.

Works with every device

Easy to use, Quick to setup

The setup only takes 15min of valuable your time. Choose the most suitable one and never look back.

Always up-to-date

Forget expensive updates. Pelsu will automatically take care of legislative updates and send you reminders for making annual updates.

Always available

Easily share the rescue plans with everybody whether it’s resident, employee, tenant or fire authority.

Safe and Secure

Both the people and your information. We take IT security seriously.

Turnkey service

Our safety experts inspect your site and implement the rescue plan to meet your specific needs.

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Transfer Online

Send us your existing rescue plan and we will convert it into online version

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Do It Yourself

Design the rescue plan with our user-friendly web tool by yourself.

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